Yo dudes and dudettes!
I'm a full time college student from Portland Oregon majoring in Sociology, Business Administration and Political Science at UCI. I'm a good girl most of the time! But I can be naughty too. Enjoy :)

I'm a full time college student from Portland Oregon majoring in Sociology, Business Administration and Political Science at UCI. I'm a good girl most of the time! But I can be naughty too. Enjoy :)
MONDAYs I play co-ed arena soccer in Garden Grove.
TUESDAYs I whack some more balls at co-ed softball in Newport Beach.
WEDNESDAYs I attend a church dinner and Bible study in Tustin.
THURSDAYs I help serve the poor and needy a hot meal at the Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa.
FRIDAYs I party hearty at a rockin hot cafe in Huntington Beach.
SATURDAYs I shop till I drop and do all my chores (laundry, studying, etc)
SUNDAYs I am the cute little girl at Mariner's Church that everybody loves.
Besides all that I am also active in the student government, a teaching assistant, a cheerleader and a member of the Young Republicans. I am a part time model and work as an office secretary as well.
So don't get pissed off if I don't respond to your messages because I am too busy to f_ _k around dearie! Well, not that busy. You know what I mean.